In times of change such as these, Montexport´s mission, and its entire team must always be to seek to answer the expectations of the world around us.
In times of change such as these, Montexport´s mission, and its entire team must always be to seek to answer the expectations of the world around us. This means that we must quickly identify the emerging needs of our customers and of society as a whole and to provide a flexible response to the growing complexity of society and changes in economic and social environment.
Montexport assumes social responsibility as a voluntary action that aims to create and maximize our positive outcomes, as well as the reduction or elimination of negative impacts.
These actions are consistent with the interests of the Company and based on ethical behavior, based on compliance with applicable law and integrated into ongoing Montexport.
We seek a consistent and continuous dialogue with all parties interested in Montexport activities. More than in any other period, values and relationships are what ultimately matter, and if we do not pursue a legacy, we will have gone into business and management in vain.
Environmental and Social Responsibility
All the business areas developed by Montexport have a major impact on the natural environment.
Montexport seeks to be sensitive and respectful to the environment, and regards conservation of the global environment as its responsibility to the next generation.
Moreover, Montexport, set a group of guidelines to implement a program of Sustainable Development, focus on biodiversity and energy efficiency.
Montexport performs social contribution activities that transcend its business functions, and is developing various initiatives with the participation of all employees.
In this spirit, the Group provided assistance to several institutions in Portugal (Irmãzinhas dos Pobres) and Timor (Leigos para o Desenvolvimento)